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You can make nandroid backups manually with TWRP for now. He so he let it sit for a bit and it did nothing. I am in bootloader mode. There was an error and now my nexus 5 can only boot the bootloader. I will be happy to try and figure out why you are getting that error. Hey Jack, thank you for info — please tell me which Antivirus you use so I can report it to them. I have restarted my computer multiple times, and tried at least two other cables. You must follow these steps in the exact order:
I upgraded from v2. Para ello reiniciamos el sistema con el pendrive conectado y elegimos de entre las opciones de arranque.
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Lo primero que tienes que fijarte es en los formatos de archivos que lee tu DVD de casa. Can you give me a more detailed explanation? Please enter your comment! Ive reverted to 3 builds including 5. Never had this issues before.
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Si no lo reconoce ya sabemos que es cosa del mp3, si lo reconoce es cosa de tu ordenador. De todas maneras, para poder ayudarte mejor me hace falta saber: A veces, con algunos sistemas operativos pueden dar problemas.
Yo suelo utilizar el emule. Ya, si lo que quieres es meter trozos de canciones, te aconsejo que descargues del emule u otro sitio alguna que te guste y luego la cortes y la metas en el movil. Antes de nada, aclarame un poco, exactamente, cosas sobre la imagen y que quieres hacer con ella:.
Si ya la tienes digitalizada, entonces me tienes que decir que programa vas a usar para darle brillo. Antes de nada, os informo de que no he podido contestar antes porque he estado de baja durante todo este tiempo. Acostumbraros a guardar vuestros progresos en los juegos online cada 15 minutos para evitar que os pasen estas cosas.
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Hola Ibon, necesito que me dices que le pasa a mi ordenador…. Sino aparece, no vas a poder ver la peli en el DVD de sobremesa, porque, simplemente, no puede abrirlo. Tengo un movil nokia Tienes, sin casi ninguna duda, un malware instalado que hace que cada vez que arranques el ordenador se desactive el firewall.
Vamos a hacer lo siguiente: No me da ningun problema. El problema viene cuando me descargo el segundo programa el higjack this esta en Ingles pero cuando le do a scan me aparce un mensaje de error que no entiendo muy bien porque esta en ingles.
Ya te comentare como lo soluciono. Un saludo y gracias. Saludos Ibon ya he realizado el analisis completo del Malwarebytes y no me ha dado ningun problema. A la hora de realizar el scan de Hijackthis me aparece un mensaje de error que dice lo siguiente:.
For some reason your system denied write acess to the Hoots File. Sorry to say it, but based on your description I agree with your diagnosis. Definitely fits the criteria of a hardware issue. Hopefully you can get a replacement.
He has had it for 2 years. I dont think there is a warranty anymore. Probably cant replace the chip im guessing. Thanks for all your help. And thanks for your amazing tool. Keep up the good work buddy. Special thanks to you man, i just install Android L Dev Pre.
But i get some trouble while rooting…. It gives you a link. Why I get hashcheck mismatch for any update I try to do? I manually installed the v. Nothing change with the new version. Can you help me? It seems that everything is successful prior to rooting — drivers, and unlock.
I payed close attention to the prompt on the phone, when it was pushing. To fix your problem, check FAQ http: Please update toolkit soon so I can root my N7. I want to keep using the 5. And I want to be able to use those apps.
Please keep adding all 5. I want to be able to backup and restore data etc. And also for Nexus 7 Wi-Fi. I need all 5. Instead of giving orders on the internet, learn some English. So, I want to use 5. Instead of compaining on my english, use your brain for some reflection.
I understood that you loathe Android m. It was just an example. And you can choose version 4. Trying to flash 6. Maybe something is wrong with the new bat file? Kudos to wugfresh to putting in all that effort btw! Just stating the obvious: Same issue here with Nexus 7 LTE.
I upgraded from v2. I deleted everything, reinstalled v2. Also manually unlocked and locked. Guess I will go to the manual flashing…. Downgrade back to 2. I had some trouble with this so I had to try it a few times before it worked with NRT 2.
Tried rooting with 2. In order for the kit to proceed with the root, it needed to download Dependencies but one of the links to the mda89d. Waiting anxiously on the update. Oh God that was scary. Had to use adb to manually flash the bootloader, radio, recovery, boot, and system, but I got back to stock MDB08K on my 6P.
You saved my ass dude. Hade the same problem with my nexus 6, but then I did as you said, flashed everything manually and boom it works again. I even got it rooted. Updated and tried to restore nexus 7 to stock but it does not work.
It just hangs at the google logo. Luckily, I still had the 2. Everything works fine now. Just that I have trouble downloading openrecovery twrp image as the link is broken. Unable to root nexus 7 grouper with 2.
Same problem here…unfortunately 2. My 6P is stuck with the Google logo and manually trying to flash factory images through adb is not working says problem with sig on system file despite it coming straight from Google.
The Nexus 5 is still great though, im still holding on to my bloated battery-burnt in-faulty home button Galaxy S2. See my post below. I fixed it and got back to MDB08K on my 6P without loosing data can reroot easily, but until WugFresh does a bughunt on this and releases 2.
N7 lte — is it possible to flash from kitkat also was flashed via NRT, rooted to lolipop or marshmallow and preserve all apps and configs? I am too tired to install and config everething again from the sctratch … and Is any advantage N7 LTE with lolipop or marshmallow against kitkat as I have now?
Manually download the openrecovery-twrp Open the location where the nrt is installed. Import the factory image. Flash the factory image. To decrypt, go to http: Copy it to phone. Factory Data Reset the phone.
Thanks for the tip about openrecovery file! I went back to 5. Where can I download v2. I tried rooting N7 LTE. Hi WugFresh, same issue here. Bootloader is way unlocked but script detects otherwise. Hi Wugfresh — 2.
It does say its unlocked however so its slightly different than the people with the model. Can you now root N6 Moto without getting the corruption message and without having to do special things with 2.
Me as well, not sure when will they release and add the said latest updates from google on the list. NRT detecting device nexus 7 wifi bootloader as locked. Is there a reason why? I want to be able to flash those and root, and backup, and restore, and many other things……….
What with all the issues people are reporting with the new 2. I recommend others do too. I second that notion. I have been guilty of not supporting the developers as much as I should. Could anyone help direct me to older versions of NRT?
All i can find appears to be malware when searching google. But after that it is still locked. More to the point, I am unable to download root kernel for this phone. I had a similar problem.
Where can I download the downgrade to v. Upgraded to the latest version and there are some problems. Early today tried to update firmware using toolkit, as I see in google websites has up to MDB.. M, NRT only shows me can update to MDB…K, comming from MDB…D, it started the batch flashing something and then stopped, to my luck phone still boots, Am I going to have trouble now WugFresh when you fix the toolkit and I try to update again since your script looks like partially flashed something already??
I have Nexus 5,i unlocked it using nrt 2. Any help is appreciated. Same here for a Nexus 10 latest 5. Hi, I also have some issues with the latest NRT verson.. Tried to download the previous version of NRT; and had to download a new file, but when following the link i get a not found..
Rooted my nexus 5 again using 2. How do i now apply the recent november security patch that was just released? Then I re-rooted using advanced settings with super user beta. This works until the bugs are fixed in NRT 2.
Hi WugFresh the noforce-encryption-shamu-kernel cannot be found atm. If I follow the link to load it manually, I get a I also had a look for it n other places, to no avail. Is there a chance that it will be back soon?
Thanks for this awesome tool btw! Will try suggestions and await an update to the software. Great tool and keep up the good work.. Thank you for the NRT. But, I have some concerns with the latest update. I did not have this problem with the previous version.
Once the phone was finally rooted, the errors return while trying to install Viper4android. Your feedback was be greatly appreciated. Got no connection with Nexus 5x — tried different usb ports and usb-debugging is turned on.
Shows up in notification drawer. Try the driver installer, I included a new option in this release — option 5 — which installs some LG drivers. Those were the ones that helped me with my 5X. Any idea what is going on?
Tried Android 6 and 4. It runs the flashstock. I have tons of free space on the phone. Does anyone know how to solve this? I ran into the same problem. There appears to be some problems with the Nexus 7 rooting after Marshmellow.
I just wish to update my system image. Nexus 6P boot loops, and refuses to go past launching flashstock. Up a creek, trying to remain calm. That update required a TWRP workaround using a custom kernel… will we need to do that again if updating to the latest build?
This is a good time to remind people of the incredibly valuable service that Wug is providing to everyone for free. I hope folks will join me in making a donation! Any ETA on this? Will try my very best to get it done and out by later today.
Starting now and will keep grinding until its done. Force flash is permanently enabled and checked. I decided not to remove it all together because then people would see old posts which said to enable it and wonder where the option went.
With this new version, the flash stock is revised to always function in this more reliable mode. Is there some way to get 2. Trying to flash the latest Google release for the Nexus 10, all goes well, but flashing takes only a second, the last thing in the log is regarding the bat file, and my Nexus is never rebooted.
Power down, select recovery… Everything leads right back to the fastboot screen. Goes impossibly fast, sticks at fastboot. Script fails with remote table update error. Have rolled back to 2. Yes — this is definitely a bug.
The unlock status is apparently different for that device. Testing now and will fix asap in v2. Thank you for notice. But I get a report that my N7 is locked. Is there any possibility to go back to NRT2. Hello WugFresh, I experienced this problem a few days ago as well.
If i remember correctly, the. Thanks for all your hard work on this tool, and let me know if I can do anything to help provide you any more info on this issue. I think I see what might be the issue when flashing mra58k to the N5.
Can we expect 2. I guess they changed a lot in 6. But after running flahstock. Please include the new google security patch updates for the Nexus 6P in V2. I have the same problem.. WugFresh please help us!
How can I do? Only after rooting I got stuck in a bootloop. I have a Nexus 5x, Build: NRT boots my phone into bootloader works, checks Fastboot Connectivity works, then a box from NRT flashes on my computer screen for only a brief second, my phone reboots, and nothing has changed.
My phone was not wiped or unlocked. Checking Fastboot Connectivity fastboot devices 00c96daa83e23bcc fastboot Connectivity Status: Also having the flashstock. I am stuck in a bootloop and it is closing and cancelling the operation.
Really need my phone. I was able to pass the issue by installing 2. I hope this is fixed in 2. Thank you to the developer s for being so responsive in the comment section. I see that you are already on top of fixing it after reading other replies.
I already had the file from previously. I just reinstalled it. If you still need it I could upload it to Dropbox for you tomorrow and leave a link here. Same goes for anyone else that may need it. Nexus 6, MRA58K, unlocked, twrp, rooted.
NRT downloaded the latest Image, installed it. Got back into OS, a few settings had changed dpi, kernel settings, etc because I was no longer rooted. I picked all three files including SU 2. I googled it, and people have had success with flashing a different kernel, so I tried flashing Hells Core.
It gets me past the corrupt warning, but then bootloops waited 20 mins. No real big deal. I had the exact same problem than you had. But we might need to do a complete wipe first. The script bombs with a remote table update fail error.
The same thing is happening to me. Maybe the modified boot. Exactly the same for me. If this interest anyone let me know and I share what I did. I tried to root my Nexus 7 yesterday. It failed while trying to push files with adb: I had a ADB operation timed out error.
WugFresh knows all the problems we just need to wait till he has time to release his 2. I cant wait so I can finally root my Nexus 6P. With Xposed being updated to 6. Then window informed my device is corrupted, cant be recognized.
Please find the bug soon and realise 2. Hi, I want to update my rooted Nexus 4. I can easyly start it, but the update did not work. Is there a bug? Here is my protokoll:. I have the same problem with Windows 10, if you have other machine with Windows 7 try to do it again.
But i tried it on Windows 7 and 8. Today i tested the NRT 2. WugFresh is testing it currently and should be out soonish. There is a way to recover the phone with all your data, download the EX kernel and flash it.
Yes becouse incompatibilities between the new kernel and supersu. You have to turn it off and press all the buttons at the same time until the phone enter to recovery mode. The you can flash it. Can you give me a more detailed explanation?
Thanks for the response. Download external x kernel and copy to the folder where the fastboot program is. Enter to cmd and go to the folder, write fastboot flash boot and the name of the external x file and afer flashing restart the phone.
Hope you can solve the problem. It fails and tells me the remote image is not a boot image. Do you have any more suggestions? Thank you for your help. Have you tried to use the new version of the root toolkit? You can do that if you are in bootloader mode.
Yes I actually got the update after the failed root. How would I reflash? Sorry for the noobish questions, normally rooting is a 10 minute process for me. I am in bootloader mode. And then select the bootloop mode.
Afert that choose to download the firmware, no wipe mode, and force flash. Take into account that the software is going to download the firmware first and then flash it. Make shure that you have enough battery, if not shutdown the phone from bootloader option and charge it first.
Thanks for all your help man. Array Variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded. Really sorry for all the questions man. Nexus 7 wifi tablet running android 6. I did a full wipe of the phone.
After displaying that message, the phone booted, and ran, fine. All the apps re-installed. Now it ran OK. So as soon as I saw 2. This surprised me because I thought that a true stock install would avoid that message.
Same as with 2. Again I chose no wipe. Should I redo the stock flash using 2. Would that get rid of the corrupt message at least until I successfully rooted? I used NRT to revert to 5. I unlocked my 5x with no issue.
When I go to root and flash custom recovery, I end up with the android with red exclamation mark no recovery but still able to boot up normally. Only way I can flash recovery by the advanced utilities.
Only way to fix it is to flash stock. It will boot TWRP temporarily fine and flash all the the files but after that it goes and flashes the stock recovery through fastboot and if i try to boot to recovery I get mr.
Once I restart root works but busybox will not install. Only way I could get BusyBox to install was to flash it manually. Trying to flash MRA58N. Only bootloader sending and writing OK.
All other Sending OK, writing failed. After changing usb cable, no errors, everything works like a charm. I tried the no wipe method to flash MRA85N to my nexus 5. All went good till it wanted to flash system.
There was an error and now my nexus 5 can only boot the bootloader. I had the same. Nexus 7 bootloop after rooting. However, it become boot loop after use 2. Pls help to fix it. Also for my Nexus 5x root is not working.
Tool is pretty much useless at the moment. Try it manually, look at forum for commands. Flash to MRA58N with nrt 2. What the fudge is with this system?! Try to root MRA58N with 2. It will be the same.
NRT is not buggy, probably google secure somehow new releases. Please update the masterlists to and try again. Now all files should be available. I reinstalled MRA58N with nrt 2. I tried the MRA58K and this sends and writes the system ok.
Hello, with nrt v2. If i flash stock rom MRA58V it works fine. Is there also a bug in nrt v2. Is there any way to root an encrypted device without having to wipe it first to remove the encryption?
TWRP can never take the password I enter when trying to root. These monthly Android security updates are a pain. Just update the masterlist and all is well. Thanks Wug, you are magic. I got the error when i ran the Root function.
But it stopped appearing after a couple restarts of NRT. I am running 2. Did you manage to somehow solve this? I have the same problem with BusyBox. Could you please help? I posted a couple of hours ago below about problems using 2.
Long story short, I just tried using 2. Then rooted — again, perfect. Thanks for the tool, Wug! I now have a rooted Nexus 6 running R. Nexus 5 with marshmallow? Yes — haste makes waste. Always be patient after flash stock.
If you ever truly bootloop, the first troubleshooting option is a factory reset from recovery i. One of those two will help you fix. Either way, glad it sorted itself. Please update to the latest Masterlists?
Mine is showing I have They get released sequentially. AutoIt error Line of: I am not getting this error myself, would love to try and reproduce. Can you shoot me a message in google hangouts. Its my username gmail. I will be happy to try and figure out why you are getting that error.
All solved; Thanks WugFresh. For those who have flash issues: I was on 6. It pushes recovery fine, but gets hung up on pushing the root. Ive reverted to 3 builds including 5. Connection is fine, chord is stock, and usb debugging is set and checked and unchecked mtp.
Ive done all I know to do. Now stuck at the google logo. Has anybody got an idea? A rooted Marshmallow has landed on my Nexus 5 and it was smooth as the sea of tranquility is! And Wugfresh is the number one! Thank you so much!
Rooted and installed Custom recovery. Works like a charm! Smoooooth as a baby. WugFresh, you did it again! I want to get back to completely stock and rooted if possible. I am on MRA58R with 3.
Without wiping everything again, if possible. Yesterday, I installed K, then rooted. Again, it worked fine. I want to keep root. I have a few odd things happening that make me wonder if they are kernel related.
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Si ya no funciona el WinToFlash, prueben con Rufus: Just that I have trouble downloading openrecovery twrp image as the link is broken. Then try flashing the old Jelly Bean 4. Open the location where the nrt is installed. Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded. Kudos to wugfresh to putting in all that effort btw!
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